Terracotta Rainscreen Cladding

Terracotta panel exterior wall is widely used

Terracotta panel exterior wall is widely used

The terracotta panel curtain wall is a non-transparent curtain wall, similar to the stone curtain wall.

Terracotta Facade Nursing Home and community centers

Terracotta Facade Nursing Home and community centers

The project building adopts the horizontal installation system of terracotta facade. The designer of the upper facade has made separation lines for different colors.

Shiny beauties, shiny terracotta rainscreen panels

Shiny beauties, shiny terracotta rainscreen panels

Elegant, beautiful and generous. The word “beauty” is more to describe beautiful women. Now I will share with you the case of pearl panels.

LOPO Terracotta Project in China Enzyme City

LOPO Terracotta Project in China Enzyme City

The architectural design of the office complex is minimalist and modern, with The coolness of the glass and metal is well balanced and neutralized by the warmth and dignity of the terracotta wall.

Terracotta Panel Project -Nanjing Metro Linshan Station

Terracotta Panel Project -Nanjing Metro Linshan Station

The LOPO Terracotta Panels are adopted by architects for Nanjing Metro Line S3.The terracotta rainscreen system can effectively prevent most snow or rainwater from penetrating into the facade. Furthermore, it can collect a small amount of rainwater and direct it to flow outward from the back of the system so as to protect the wall structures.

Application of 3D wood-look Terracotta Panels

Application of 3D wood-look Terracotta Panels

The 3D inkjet technology makes the texture on the terracotta panels more natural, vivid, diverse and richer. In terms of stone surface and wood surface texture, 3D inkjet terracotta tile has the possibility to replace stone and natural wood materials, and embraces unlimited design possibilities for the building facade or interior walls.

Color Mix And Match Injects Vitality To Terracotta Architecture

Color Mix And Match Injects Vitality To Jintai Plaza

Jintai Plaza adopted LOPO mixed color terracotta panels,each facade plane of mixed color shades gives the architecture sense of layering, breaking away from the boring monochromatic facade.

Glazed Terracotta Panel

Glazed Terracotta Panel

Glazed terracotta panel have higher abrasion resistance than ordinary terracotta panel, and they are easier to clean. As a curtain wall material, it has the advantages of environmental protection and energy saving, moisture-proof, breathable and sound insulation, rich color and long-lasting as new and wide application range.

Application of LOPO Terracotta Rainscreen in library

Terracotta Rainscreen in Ningbo University library

The terracotta-panel curtain wall for the library comes from LOPO’s classic brick-red, 18mm-thick Terracotta Rainscreen series, which offers a display surface width of 200/400/500 mm. A total supply of nearly 5,000 square meters is dedicated to this project.

Terracotta Wall in the Exhibition Hall

Terracotta Wall in the Exhibition Hall

LOPO produced terracotta wall panels with sandblast surface for this project and customized a small part of micro-carved terracotta. Although it is not the main component of the building facade material, but its presence brings vitality to the building by organically integrating different building materials and preserving architectural elements and city’s culture.

Hunan University of Technology and Commerce

Hunan University of Technology and Commerce

The design of the building facade of the Hunan University of Technology and Commerce mainly adopts LOPO terracotta cladding and glass curtain wall. The total area of the terracotta panels of this project is about 20,000 square meters.